Issues: Are we poor?
Friday, June 16, 2006

We complain when the squatter areas taken away for development. We were saving money from paying for tax, electricity and water.

We say we badly need
RMT (Rancangan Makanan Tambahan) for our children in schools. We were busy organizing parties/dinners/luncheons during each and every celebration.

We whine when told our national wealth is less than 3%. We were so occupied with gold jewelry in bedroom wardrobe.

Are we still a poor community? Interesting argument, I must say.

We have come a long way since brought here as plantation and railway track workers by the British. Yet, we still grumble about being side-lined in national development. We still complain we are lagging behind other community in terms of wealth and so on. Have you wondered if its an exaggerated statement? Could we call ourselves poor?

posted by = admin = at Friday, June 16, 2006 | Permalink